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KIMBERLIE Clinthorne-Wong x INK+ASH

When Kimie and Ashley met in middle school in Hawai’i, they couldn’t have dreamed of one day bringing their unique art styles together to create a collection of cards and art prints. Their recent collaboration feature messages that encourage and empower, and will be available later this year.




Empower is a set of six greeting cards that feature messages of female empowerment, strength and sisterhood. A proceed of all sales will be donated to select charities that support women.

  • Sisters

  • Woman Up

  • Yes, you can

  • Fierce

  • Fear Less

  • Strong as hell

Encourage is a set of six greeting cards that feature honest messages of encouragement and support. A proceed of all sales will be donated to select charities that support mental health awareness.

  • It’s OK to not be OK

  • Crying my best

  • Life is tough, but so are you

  • Everything happens for no reason

  • Grow your own way

  • Don’t believe everything you think


about the artists

Kimie and Ashley both grew up on Oahu, Hawaii. Having first met in middle school, they eventually went off to pursue careers outside of Hawai’i and in the arts—Kimie as an illustrator and Ashley as a brand designer. They’ve recently married their unique styles, illustration and lettering, to create a line of stationery with strong messages that empower and encourage.

